Sunday, December 21, 2014

Merry Christmas! December 21, 2014

Well this week will definitely be one that I wont forget! So yes I got a new companion. I am training him he is from Bacolod so he is a native Iloingo speaker. He is NOT Elder Schaffer that’s for sure but I am just trying to love him for who he is. He’s one of those kids that just takes and doesn’t ask or anything like that. Like food, my razor, everything. But it’s okay:) It’s good it’s preparing me for when I am a father. I mean I never took Dads tools or anything right:)? But let’s see Wednesday I went down to Iloilo to transfer meeting and trainer’s trainee meeting. It was nice I am way tight with some of the office elders so we stayed up till like 3 talking. I was a bit tired the next day. But after trainer’s trainee meeting then got my new companion. Um I also got this other bit of news that I am the new district leader for our district! It’s been so busy this week. I have to be honest, I feel the Lord is asking a ton of me. But I do know one thing, I have listened to a talk by President Eyring about the scripture how everything will be for our learning and my comp is brand new so I am basically teaching everything and my head hurts so bad, yesterday I fell asleep on the floor with my clothes on and woke up at 3 in the morning. Everyone has baptisms for Christmas and so I had to interview them. But before that so the next day Friday we had the zone leaders come down to Interview the candidates we have for baptism right and I must have ate something bad because I woke up and was throwing up and had the runs way bad. Sorry but it’s true! So we had to fill out the brs that morning before the ZL got here so I was on jeepney and was throwing up out of the side. haha it was terrible but I am fine now and our investigators all passed!  5 for Christmas baby:) So then I went home and just went to bed. I thought I was going to die. I wanted my mom so bad. But let’s see I also spoke yesterday about how Christ is the biggest gift to us and we show our love for him by following his example. I had an interview yesterday as well it was way spiritual, the sister was solid she was from Passi an area from my district I had to write the questions to make sure I remembered how to say them. It was nice. After we had a dinner and the kids loved me haha one of them started crying when I left because he said we were best friends! J Also one of their daughters said I was the most beautiful human she had ever seen hahaha I started laughing. But also its Christmas time so I have been reading the story of the Saviors life with our investigators. Idk how I’m going to feel to be honest. I’m a little worried! But that’s about it I will be able to express more in a couple days. I’m planning on calling you on your Christmas not mine because we have a ton of baptisms!! But that’s it thus far. Oh also Nyny Valdarama my mom here is way sick and she has appendicitis and has no money to get it fixed and I seriously feel so bad I have no idea what to do. Because I love her and she is helping me so much to save her family! But that’s about it! I love you all:) Merry Christmas!
Elder Cuillard

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