Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October 19, 2014

First off let me reply to mom and dad:) So I have really just been questioning a lot this past week like why I am here in the Philippines when I feel like the Lord could have been using me so much more somewhere where I could speak ya know? IDK if I have ever mentioned this to you guys but it's not one language I'm learning, there are 3 different languages that people speak here. First Kariaya, Illongo and Tagolog, then like in between that there are little English words they use but they don't understand English or even realize that it's an English word. So we will go to one lesson and one family will speak one, then the next lesson another, and one family we teach speaks all three. So if you can imagine its difficult. Very difficult but I spoke yesterday and it was good but I was looking through my scripture case and found a note from you dad the one where you wrote it in journal style and I read it and it really made me happy. idk it helped me realize that this is not about me. It's just not. Mom I have not gotten anything yet from you, it takes about a month or so:) but its all good I'm starting to get the hang of things I am just pumped to be able to throw with a lacrosse stick:)!!!!!! Also I am so jealous of Yellowstone! I want to see some pine trees:) Ha!  I only see a ton of buko trees (palm trees with coconut) we get the BEST BUKO JUICE EVER here:) I love that stuff!! But I miss you and I hope you all had a great time! The one thing that I  regret more than anything is not spending more time with you guys!

So first I didn't really tell you a ton about last week so one day last week I almost died! It was freaky but it was so fun and nuts!!  So we were way out in the bukids like the middle of NOWHERE haha so we would have had to walk for like 3 hours to get to where we needed to go and it was dark. It gets dark at 5 here and the sun comes up at 4 in the morning. But anyways so we see this motorcycle, and we flag them down! Long story short, we hop on with 4 dudes on a little motorcycle then we start talking to them and we figure out they are drunk like so drunk!!  I was like well Heavenly Father if I need to get off tell me because I really don't want to walk but I really don't want to die. Anyways we made it safe! Also this week we are teaching a sister named Jemma and her daughter who is 16 and has a baby!  Not really weird here?? We also have a girl who joins in with us, like one of their friends, so anyways I guess that the one friend has a massive crush on me.. I felt so weird... the girls no joke LOVE us because we are white I've had multiple moms try to get me to take their daughters and I'm like "wala indi indi" It's not my purpose! We are way pumped though we have a baptism on Sunday! Sister Valdarama, she is way sweet she is a "Ny" or grandma! She is awesome! We have been working on her since I got here. We had 5 dates set but I think we are going to drop a couple because they are not showing the desire. Elder Schaffer and I have a goal not to count baptisms as our numbers, but count conversions. We don't care if we don't baptize because if we do some will be inactive the next week ya know? But it's been good so my scriptures like are falling apart idk why!  So I ordered some new ones for while im proselyting and I will just be extra careful with the ones I have, I think its the humidity.Oh so cool story Sis Sebastian my first baptism, she is inviting her friend to join in on lessons and she is solid like definitely a baptism soon:) hahah I love the Sebatians they are my fav I help out Reese their little girl with times tables while she helpes me learn the language. I love them because they spreak pure Illongo! Also super cool, a family was way sick and we gave them blessings and the next day all of them were better! When we came back and the Ny (grandma) said wow you young boys have some serious power! Ha! Then we got to testify that it wasn't us and it was really good:) So here is the new idea Elder Schaffer and I have, So there was a huge party next door and they were playing music till 3 am no joke! I couldn't sleep to save my life but that night I got some inspiration. Sooo here it is. We are going to organize a big christmas program with all the other faiths and get all the leaders in on it and it would be a big missionary opportunity and I'm pumped. I'll give you all more details later! But thats about it! The Language is still awful:) hahah but whatever right! It will come as long as I keep doing what I am doing! "amat amat" that's what everyone tells me, meaning its coming "slowly but surely":) Anyways I love you all have an amazing week!

  Love Elder Cuillard

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